Meet The Judges

Every entry at our awards is assessed by an independent judging panel.

All our judges are experienced business professionals with passion and enthusiasm for sustainability;

Using the scoring criteria, they’ll carefully scrutinise your written submission and live presentation. Scores from each judge are added together to determine the winners in each category. After the event, every finalist will receive a detailed Feedback Report with constructive comments to help you going forward.

Our judge selection process is ongoing, but as soon as we add more judges to our line-up, we’ll post their details on here. Scroll down to see the leading professionals who are taking part this year!

Dr. Hussein Abaza
Advisor to the Ministry of Environment for Sustainable Development and Green Economy
Hannah Subayi Kamuanga
Experienced Impact Investor in Africa
Dr. Khaled Ismaeil
Chairman Himangel
Ahmed Mansour
Partner in the Risk Assurance practice based in Egypt with over 20 years of experience, five of which in PwC London’s office.
Alexander Fuglesang
CEO- FSubsea
Dr. Nabil Shalaby
Arab Entrepreneur House
Chair-Arab Entrepreneur House
Dr. Sherwet Elwan
Associate Professor and Director
Associate Professor of Operations Management and Director MBA Program – American University in Cairo (AUC).
Ramon Lopez
Head - Innovation Ecosystems Veolia España
Head of Innovation Ecosystems Veolia España.
Mohammed Abbas
Director & Entrepreneur- NilePreneurs
Associate Director, Entrepreneurship, NilePreneurs
Dr. Abd El Hamid Beshara
CEO -Masader
Dr.Amr Sobhy
GIZ Climate Change Advisor
GIZ Climate Change Advisor
Emad Hefny
Founder -Seeders Capital
Founder –Seeders Capital