
In partnership with the Excellence ambassadors’ initiative (Egyrowad) -which aims to economically empower the disabled- the program aims to the economic empowerment and businesses administration for the Disabled

By supporting and strengthening the status of people with disabilities and transforming them into an economic and social force capable of contributing to development through projects and investments through which business owners with disabilities assume their national responsibility in community development, human development and employment for all Egyptians and support the investment climate

The program offers a wide range of activities including:

  • Establishing resource rooms in inclusive schools
  • Rehabilitation of bathrooms in schools to be more disability-friendly
  • Soft Skills & Vocational Training
  • Providing Internship and employment opportunities
  • Providing discounted health care cards


Training programs include:

  • Develop ideas
  • Customer development and business model creation:
  • Principles of “Lean startup .”
  • Product Development Department
  • Principles of financial management:.
  • Learn how to market the product or service to the investor:
  • How to choose the type of investment required and its source
  • Preparing a business plan for the project
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